Monday, October 4, 2010

Conclusions Gained from Research

  • To meet the requirements of the brief, the business card designed must be 3D. This can involve folding it to make it 3D, having something pop out, having a stand, etc.
  • Folding it to make it 3D would meet the specifications, but requires user interaction. Therefore the final outcome of the business card must be easy to understand and easily achievable.
  • Folding methods would best be left simple, as otherwise it may be too complicated for users. This would make the business card ineffective, as it the information would not be portrayed.
  • Pop up method’s could be effective, as they require a minimal amount of interaction, and generate a pleasant and interesting result for the viewer.
  • Therefore this business card design should require some interaction to get viewers involved, but not too much to make it seem like a hassle. It would be best if it looks effective with or without user participation.
  • As with any design, design principles are very important to employ. It is important to ensure colours are minimal, design is not too busy, and the card has a clean modern look to keep it relevant.
  • Materials are important to consider. Generally card is best as it is strong, however depending on the company, wood or metal could be effective and appropriate.
  • Only necessary information should be included on the business card to keep it to a minimum.

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